Lecture notes - Belépés

3. Map projections

The Earth has a special figure, which can be modelled using a sphere or an ellipsoid of revolution. In the engineering practice, you need a coordinate system in a horizontal plane, hence you have to flatten the globe's surface into a plane. This kind of conversion can be done using either simple geometry or mathematical formulas. That is the science of map projections.

The three main types of map projections:

  • azimuthal
  • cylindrical
  • conic

Important map projections

  1. Web Mercator
  2. UTM
  3. Hungarian EOV

Web Mercator

  • used by all major web map providers: Google, Bing, OSM ...
  • simple formulas and calculation
  • meridians are equally spaced vertical lines
  • applicable for global and local areas as well
  • relatively large distortions, especially near the poles

source: https://www.atlasandboots.com/map-projections/#gallery-7

UTM: Universal Transverse Mercator

  • 60 zones, each of them has 6 degrees of longitude in width
  • the cylinder intersects the ellipsoid, the scale factor at the central meridian is 0.9996
  • false easting and northing
  • WGS84 ellipsoid
  • NATO's official map projection 
  • one map projection for the whole globe with relatively small distortions
  • a wide range of countries applies as a national map projection

source: https://gisgeography.com/wp-content/uploads/2016/05/UTM-Zones-Globe-2-300x291.png

source: https://www.nrcan.gc.ca/earth-sciences/geography/topographic-information/maps/utm-grid-map-projections/utm-grid-universal-transverse-mercator-projection/9779

Hungarian EOV

  • established in the 1970s
  • defined for large scale maps, distortion should be under 1/10000 (actually in 90 % of Hungary is fulfilled)
  • local ellipsoid of revolution

source: https://www.tankonyvtar.hu/hu/tartalom/tamop425/0027_DAI1/ch01s04.html