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14. Setting out

14.3. Setting out plan

Whose job is it? Architects or land surveyors?

What do we have?

  • hardcopy plans
  • digital plans, typical formats: pdf and / or dwg (dxf)
  • 3D model, like BIM

Steps of developing a setting out plan

Classical method:

  1. Simplification. Neglecting of those elements which are unnecessary for setting out.
  2. Drawing the structures in an empty file. It is time-consuming while it offers a great opportunity to check the plans.
  3. Localization of the building (structures). Most of the cases to the site boundary. A global, regional or local coordinate system is used? Map projection scale factor?
  4. Compute figures for setting out: coordinates, offsets, angles ...
  5. Preparing a documentation

An example:

Modern method:

  1. Plans are provided in digital format (e.g. in a dwg file)
  2. Check out its coordinate system, dimensions. Transform it into the coordinate system of control points, if necessary
  3. Putting points onto the digital plan
  4. Generating a coordinate list of points to set out
  5. Upload the list onto the instrument (e.g. total station, RTK GNSS)

More modern method:

  1. Get the 3D (BIM) model of the structure (building)
  2. Convert it into an appropriate format if necessary
  3. Upload the model onto the instrument

Most common issues

  • some missing dimensions
  • the sum of the dimensions does not match to total dimension
  • different values of the same dimensions on different products (plan vs. section)
  • odd unit, false (insufficient or over) precision, especially in case of angles
  • no control of dimensions
  • lack of data to localization