Subject Datasheet

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I. Subject Specification

1. Basic Data
1.1 Title
Civil Engineering Informatics
1.2 Code
1.3 Type
Module with associated contact hours
1.4 Contact hours
Type Hours/week / (days)
Lecture 2
Lab 2
1.5 Evaluation
Midterm grade
1.6 Credits
1.7 Coordinator
name Dr. Kristóf KAPITÁNY
academic rank Associate professor
1.8 Department
Department of Photogrammetry and Geoinformatics
1.9 Website
1.10 Language of instruction
hungarian and english
1.11 Curriculum requirements
Compulsory in the Civil Engineering (BSc) programme
1.12 Prerequisites
Strong prerequisites:
  • Civil Engineering CAD (BMEEOFTAT41)
1.13 Effective date
24 January 2024

2. Objectives and learning outcomes
2.1 Objectives
The aim of the course is to introduce the IT tools that help the work of civil engineers. The aim is to identify the IT problems that arise during the civil engineering practice, to manage their formulation and solution in an engineering environment suitable for modern integrated calculations.
2.2 Learning outcomes
Upon successful completion of this subject, the student:
A. Knowledge
  1. knows the mathematical methods of processing measurement data,
  2. knows the basic tools and methods of algorithmization,
  3. knows the tasks of IT system design,
  4. is familiar with the elementary toolbox of engineering presentation graphics.
B. Skills
  1. is able to automate the solution of basic engineering tasks using algorithms,
  2. able to process simple measurement data using algorithms,
  3. is able to properly document the calculation process of the task solution,
  4. able to predict future events based on time series,
  5. able to automate the solution of equations and systems of equations.
C. Attitudes
  1. strives for a error-free solution.
D. Autonomy and Responsibility
  1. accepts substantiated critical remarks,
  2. uses a systematic approach to solving tasks,
  3. checks and validates his work in all cases.
2.3 Methods
Lectures, computer exercises, software usage skills, algorithmization techniques.
2.4 Course outline
WeekTopics of lectures and/or exercise classes
1.Measurement processing with IT tools, getting acquainted with the program environment
2.Basics of algorithmization, preparation of calculation documentation
3.Data processing, time series management, simple model fitting
4.Control structures, user interaction
5.Control structures with examples
6.Control structures with examples
7.Engineering problem solving with algorithms, partial summary
8.Description of data types
9.Solving functions and informatics, equations and systems of equations
10.Function analysis, optimization, regression
11.Multivariate optimization, definition of functions
12.Computer graphics, definition of functions
13.Geometric transformations, modularization, recursion
14.Partial summary

The above programme is tentative and subject to changes due to calendar variations and other reasons specific to the actual semester. Consult the effective detailed course schedule of the course on the subject website.
2.5 Study materials
Downloadable materials:
  1. Electronic lecture notes
  2. Examples of each topic in the educational framework
2.6 Other information
You can use your own laptop during the practice courses with the permission of the instructor.
2.7 Consultation

Consultation dates: as specified on the department's website or in advance by e-mail

This Subject Datasheet is valid for:
2024/2025 semester II

II. Subject requirements

Assessment and evaluation of the learning outcomes
3.1 General rules
The assessment of the learning outcomes formulated in point 2.2 is based on two theoretical tests, a control test and a midterm test.
3.2 Assessment methods
Evaluation form Abbreviation Assessed learning outcomes
First theoretical test TT1 A.1-A.3; B.2; C.1; D.1
Second theoretical test TT2 A.3-A.4; B.1; C.1; D.1-D.3
Control test 1 CT1 A.1-A.2; B.1-B.5; C.1; D.1-D.3
Midterm test MT A.1-A.2; B.1-B.3; C.1; D.1, D.3

The dates of deadlines of assignments/homework can be found in the detailed course schedule on the subject’s website.
3.3 Evaluation system
TT1 - TT250%
Theoretical tests are unsuccessful if they do not reach the 12.00 point separately, and the midterm test does not reach the 15.00 point. For the control test, there is no minimum score to be obtained.
3.4 Requirements and validity of signature
No signature can be obtained on the subject.
3.5 Grading system
GradePoints (P)
excellent (5)85<=P
good (4)75<=P<85
satisfactory (3)65<=P<75
passed (2)50<=P<65
failed (1)P<50
The presentation of the Matlab Onramp certificate is required to determine the semester result.
The semester is unsuccessful if the total score does not reach 50.00 points.
3.6 Retake and repeat
The retakes of theoretical and midterm tests take place during the replacement week. The retake of the control test will be during the semester, but due to the canceled lessons and calendar-specific events, the exact date will be shown in the effective detailed course schedule of the course on the subject website.
3.7 Estimated workload
participation in contact classes14×4=56
semester preparation for practice courses14×2=28
preparation for tests12+12+12+30=66
3.8 Effective date
24 January 2025
This Subject Datasheet is valid for:
2024/2025 semester II