Subject Datasheet

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I. Subject Specification

1. Basic Data
1.1 Title
Public Administration and Land Registry
1.2 Code
1.3 Type
Module with associated contact hours
1.4 Contact hours
Type Hours/week / (days)
Lecture 2
1.5 Evaluation
Midterm grade
1.6 Credits
1.7 Coordinator
name Dr. Orosz Csaba
academic rank Associate professor
1.8 Department
Department of Highway and Railway Engineering
1.9 Website
1.10 Language of instruction
hungarian and english
1.11 Curriculum requirements
1.12 Prerequisites
Strong prerequisites:
  • Business law (BMEGT55A001)
1.13 Effective date
5 February 2020

2. Objectives and learning outcomes
2.1 Objectives
Basic knowledge, abilities and skills in the following topics: Governance, state supervision in civil engineering. Historical bases. International attitudes and traditions. Anglo-Saxon, German and Mediterranean attitudes. Northern countries. Public and private investments. Co-operation of the private and public sectors. [PPP – successes and failures.] Case studies. The problem of corruption. Public participation and partnership. Professional organisations. The basics of cost-benefit analysis (CBA). Land Registry in Hungary. Legal requirements and processes in construction and in civil engineering. Real estate appraisal and land valuation.
2.2 Learning outcomes
Upon successful completion of this subject, the student:
A. Knowledge
  1. Will learn the basics of Public Administration and Land registry.
  2. Will learn the legal and financial background of basic infrastructural projects.
  3. Will learn basic case studies.
  4. Will know organisations in civil engineering
  5. Will learn the basics of land registry of Hungary 6. will learn the basics of real estate appraisal by Hungarian examples
B. Skills
  1. Will be able to perform basic cost-benefit analysis
  2. Will be able to gain information quickly in international public administration. Will be able to identify different types of public administration.
C. Attitudes
  1. Cooperates with the tutor/lecturer and with fellow students,
  2. Amends his/her co-working skills
  3. Continuously develops his/her knowledge
  4. Recognises that during the execution of engineering processes legal and administrative bases are essential.
D. Autonomy and Responsibility
  1. Will be able to work autonomously and/or with individual research. Will be able to complete his/her tasks.
  2. Is open to remarks and comments of teachers and fellow students.
2.3 Methods
Lectures, interactive lectures, case studies. Written and oral communication. Examples. Teamwork with short presentation of a case study.
2.4 Course outline
Week Topics of lectures and/or exercise classes
1. Governance, state control at civil engineering projects.
2. History. Case study: The construction of Chain Bridge (Széchenyi-Lánchíd), in Budapest.
3. The nationalization and re-construction of Chain Bridge. Public investments.
4. Co-operation of the public and the private sectors. Popular projects.
5. Basics of cost-benefit analysis (CBA).
6. Basics of procurement. Problem of Corruption in the north and in the south.
7. Public participation. Professional organisations. Overview.
8. Land registry in Hungary.
9. Details in land registry
10. Surveying activities associated with land registry. The role of land registry in civil engineering. Expropriation.
11. Legal proceedings in civil engineering. Keywords. Overview.
12. Principles of real estate appraisal. Legal bases of real estate valuation. Evaluation methods.
13. Land market and real estate market.
14. Case studies. Examples of real estate evaluation.

The above programme is tentative and subject to changes due to calendar variations and other reasons specific to the actual semester. Consult the effective detailed course schedule of the course on the subject website.
2.5 Study materials
On-line materials: Lectures and slides. Tests for practicing at the subject’s moodle website.
2.6 Other information

Attendance to lectures is mandatory. A student who misses more than four lectures will not be able to earn credit for the course.

A museum visit mentioned on the semester schedule is mandatory (usually the Budapest History Museum).

2.7 Consultation

The teachers are available for consultation during their office hours, as advertised at the department website and on the semester schedule.

This Subject Datasheet is valid for:
Inactive courses

II. Subject requirements

Assessment and evaluation of the learning outcomes
3.1 General rules
The evaluation of the student's performance regarding the learning outcomes specified in clause 2.2. occurs via two midterm tests and a homework.
3.2 Assessment methods
Evaluation formAbbrev.Assessed learning outcomes
1. midterm testMT1A.1-A.4; B.1
2. midterm testMT2A.5; B.2; C.4
3. homework - CBA CalculationHW1A.2; B.1; C.1-C.3; D.1-D.2

The dates of deadlines of assignments/homework can be found in the detailed course schedule on the subject’s website.
3.3 Evaluation system

Evaluation form Share %
MT1 35%
MT2 50%
HW1 15%
Sum 100%

MT1 and MT2 are considered successful if they each achive at least 50%..

3.4 Requirements and validity of signature
Signature cannot be obtained.
3.5 Grading system

If the student satisfies the attendance criteria, his/her mark will be determined as follows. The mid-semester result will be determined on the basis of the two tests and the homework. Presentations are not scored, but good presentations are worth bonus points.

Criterion for completion of the subject is to obtain at least 50% of the scores of each test.

The final grade is the weighted average of the grades of the tests and the homework - according to the weights given in point 3.3.

The calculation of grades is as follows:

Grade %
excellent (5) 87
good (4) 75
satisfactory (3) 65
pass (2) 50
fail (1) <50

3.6 Retake and repeat
  1. The homework can be submitted with delay till a pre-defined late submission date – usually one week after the regular deadline – by paying a fee.
  2. The homework submitted and accepted can be amended till the regular deadline without paying a fee.
  3. The three midterm tests can be made up or repeated once during the semester. In caset of a repeat, the new score will overwrite the previous score.
  4. After paying the fee specified in the regulations, the student may make a second attempt to correct the failed midterm test.
3.7 Estimated workload
Contact hours28
Preparation for the courses with Homework 2.42
Preparation for the tests16
Homework 14
3.8 Effective date
10 February 2025
This Subject Datasheet is valid for:
Inactive courses