Subject Datasheet
Download PDFI. Subject Specification
1. Basic Data
1.1 Title
Mechanics of Masonry Structures
1.2 Code
1.3 Type
Module with associated contact hours
1.4 Contact hours
Type | Hours/week / (days) |
Lecture | 2 |
1.5 Evaluation
1.6 Credits
1.7 Coordinator
name | Dr. Bagi Katalin |
academic rank | Professor | |
1.8 Department
Department of Structural Mechanics
1.9 Website
1.10 Language of instruction
hungarian and english
1.11 Curriculum requirements
1.12 Prerequisites
1.13 Effective date
1 September 2022
2. Objectives and learning outcomes
2.1 Objectives
The course consists of two main parts. The first part introduces those methods that are particularly suitable for the analysis of masonry arches and vaults. The second part gives an overview on the most important types of masonry arches and vaults, with their typical crack patterns.
2.2 Learning outcomes
Upon successful completion of this subject, the student:
A. Knowledge
- knows what are the special features of masonry as a building material, in comparison to other types of construction materials (concrete, steel, etc)
- understands the fundaments of graphical statics
- knows how to analyse a system of solid bodies with the help of graphical statics
- knows the most important graphostatic methods of masonry analysis
- knows the main shell theories (membrane, Kirchhoff-Love, Mindlin-Reissner, higher order shear theories)
- knows the two theorems of Limit State analysis and understands the limitations of their applications
- knows what is a discrete element model and what are the main advantages and disadvantages of the different DEM techniques
- knows what are the most important types of masonry vaults, how they carry and distribute their loads, and what are their typical crack pattern
B. Skills
- is able to recognize the main types of vaults and arches;
- is able to approximate the internal forces and the main crack patterns under selfweight for any of the considered vaults;
- is able to select the most appropriate method that fits to the analysed problem;
- is able to express his/her thoughts in an organized way in oral and written communication.
C. Attitudes
- aims at learning and routinely using tools required for solving masonry mechanics problems,
- aims at accurate and flawless problem solving
D. Autonomy and Responsibility
- is able to individually think over masonry mechanics problems and to solve them using the given resources,
- is open to valid criticism.
2.3 Methods
Lectures, oral and written communication, use of IT devices and techniques, optional practice problems solved individually and in teams (home practice).
2.4 Course outline
Graphic methods II.
The above programme is tentative and subject to changes due to calendar variations and other reasons specific to the actual semester. Consult the effective detailed course schedule of the course on the subject website.
Week | Topics of lectures and/or exercise classes |
1. | Fundaments of masonry mechanics |
2. | Graphic methods I. |
3. | Graphic methods II. |
4. | Shell theories |
5. | Limit state analysis |
6. | The Discrete Element Method |
7. | Summary 1 |
8. | Arches |
9. | Domes |
10. | Barrel vaults and cross vaults |
11. | Fan vaults |
12. | Other types of vaults |
13. | Students presentations |
14. | Summary 2 |
The above programme is tentative and subject to changes due to calendar variations and other reasons specific to the actual semester. Consult the effective detailed course schedule of the course on the subject website.
2.5 Study materials
Lecture slides for every class are available on the course website. Suggested literature can be found here.
2.6 Other information
Attendance at lectures is compulsory.
Students failing to prove to have attended at least 70% of the lectures based on their records of absences cannot obtain registry other than "Megtagadva" or "Nem teljesítette".
Students attending checks must not communicate with others during the check without explicit permission, and must not hold any electronic or other communication device switched on.
Students failing to prove to have attended at least 70% of the lectures based on their records of absences cannot obtain registry other than "Megtagadva" or "Nem teljesítette".
Students attending checks must not communicate with others during the check without explicit permission, and must not hold any electronic or other communication device switched on.
2.7 Consultation
The instructor is available for consultation in Teams or in personal presence. Special appointments can be requested via e-mail: .
This Subject Datasheet is valid for:
2024/2025 semester I
II. Subject requirements
Assessment and evaluation of the learning outcomes
3.1 General rules
The evaluation of learning outcomes described in Section 2.2. is based on two mid-term exams. The dates of the mid-term exams can be found in the "Detailed semester schedule" on the website of the subject.
A mid-term exam is successful if the scores reach or exceed 50%.
A mid-term exam is successful if the scores reach or exceed 50%.
3.2 Assessment methods
Evaluation form | Abbreviation | Assessed learning outcomes |
1st mid-term exam | MT1 | A.1-A.7 |
2nd mid-term exam | MT2 | A.8; B.1-B.4; C.1-C.2; D.1-D.2 |
The dates of deadlines of assignments/homework can be found in the detailed course schedule on the subject’s website.
3.3 Evaluation system
Abbreviation | Score |
MT1 | 50% |
MT2 | 50% |
Sum | 100% |
3.4 Requirements and validity of signature
To obtain a signature, all of the following requirements must be fulfilled:
- comply with the requirements on attendance, and
- both mid-term exams have to be successful.
3.5 Grading system
In the case of complying with the requirements on attendance, the results are determined as follows.
In the case of both mid-term exams being successful, the final result is computed by the weighted average points (P) of the two mid-term exams:
In the case of both mid-term exams being successful, the final result is computed by the weighted average points (P) of the two mid-term exams:
Grade | Points (P) |
excellent (5) | 80%≤P |
good (4) | 70%≤P<80% |
satisfactory (3) | 60%≤P<70% |
passed (2) | 50%≤P<60% |
failed (1) | P<50% |
3.6 Retake and repeat
Both mid-term tests can once be retaken during the education period or during the repetition week. If one of the mid-term exams remains unsuccessful after the retake, one further retake can be done during the examination period. This option does not exist if both midterm exams remain unsuccessful by the end of the repetition week.
3.7 Estimated workload
Activity | Hours/semester |
contact lessons | 14×2=28 |
preparation for lessons during the semester | 12×3=36 |
preparation for the check | 2×13=26 |
Sum | 90 |
3.8 Effective date
1 September 2022
This Subject Datasheet is valid for:
2024/2025 semester I