Subject Datasheet

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I. Tantárgyleírás

1. Alapadatok
1.1 Tantárgy neve
Computational analysis and design
1.2 Azonosító (tantárgykód)
1.3 Tantárgy jellege
Kontaktórás tanegység
1.4 Óraszámok
Típus Óraszám / (nap)
Előadás (elmélet) 9
Gyakorlat 4
Konzultáció 1
1.5 Tanulmányi teljesítményértékelés (minőségi értékelés) típusa
1.6 Kreditszám
1.7 Tárgyfelelős
név Dr. Balázs Kövesdi
beosztás Egyetemi docens
1.8 Tantárgyat gondozó oktatási szervezeti egység
Hidak és Szerkezetek Tanszék
1.9 A tantárgy weblapja
1.10 Az oktatás nyelve
1.11 Tantárgy típusa
1.12 Előkövetelmények
There are no subject prerequisites. Students participating in the course must be proficient in the design of steel and reinforced concrete structures, especially in the dimensioning of bridge structures. Students must know the basics of structural design based on Eurocode, the theoretical and practical basics of structural design, and the basics of the finite element method. Required knowledge of the English language: intermediate B2 level.
1.13 Tantárgyleírás érvényessége
2022. szeptember 1.

2. Célkitűzések és tanulási eredmények
2.1 Célkitűzések
The purpose of the PhD course is to describe the application of advanced numerical modeling and experiment-based design of steel structures. In the framework of the course, the most advanced numerical modeling-based design procedures applicable in the current steel structural design, their practical applicability and limitations will be presented. In addition, methods of the correct application of experimental results supplementing numerical modeling-based design is introduced. Various experimental-based model validation techniques and design process development procedures are also presented. The practical applicability of the advanced design procedures is presented through examples of bridge structures. The course includes an explanation of the applicability of advanced numerical methods in the production technology of steel structures and welding simulation. Students who complete the course acquire knowledge in the following topics:
  • application of advanced numerical modeling techniques in civil engineering structures;
  • finite element model-based design of bridge structures and numerical simulation of modern bridge construction methods;
  • components of bridge monitoring systems, design and application of their measurement results;
  • application of experimental and/or measurement results in the design of steel structures;
  • development of Eurocode-based design procedures based on numerical simulation and experiments;
  • manufacturing technology developments based on numerical modeling - welding simulation.
2.2 Tanulási eredmények
A tantárgy sikeres teljesítése utána a hallgató
A. Tudás
  1. knows advanced numerical modeling techniques,
  2. knows the options for finite element model-based design of bridge structures and how to use them,
  3. knows the components of bridge monitoring systems, the applicability of measurement results in design,
  4. knows the possibility of developing Eurocode-based design procedures based on numerical simulation and experiments,
  5. knows the possibilities of numerical modeling-based production technology developments (e.g. welding simulation) and their applicability in design.
B. Képesség
  1. able to apply advanced numerical modeling techniques in practice,
  2. capable of advanced, numerical model-based modeling of steel structures, selecting the appropriate model level and creating the numerical model,
  3. able to perform steel structural design based on the results of the numerical model, evaluate the results from a design theory point of view,
  4. is able to take numerical model-based production technology innovations into account in the design process.
C. Attitűd
  1. cooperates with the lecturer and fellow students in expanding knowledge,
  2. open to the use of numerical tools,
  3. open to the use of advanced sizing methods,
  4. strives for accurate and error-free task solutions.
D. Önállóság és felelősség
  1. Independently thinks through the numerical modeling problems and design of steel structures based on the calculation results,
  2. accepts and considers new dimensioning procedures with an open mind, their principles and correctness.
2.3 Oktatási módszertan
Lectures, calculation exercises, project assignment, written and oral communication, use of IT tools and techniques.
2.4 Részletes tárgyprogram
WeekTopics of lectures and/or exercise classes
1.Introduction - application of advanced numerical modeling techniques for civil engineering structures
2.Finite element model-based design - basic assumptions and design methods
3.Finite element model-based design of bridge structures, accurate calculation methods
4.Development and numerical simulation of modern bridge construction methods
5.Advanced numerical model-based fatigue assessment of bridge structures
6.Development of Eurocode-based design procedures using numerical analysis
7.Modelling of cyclic behaviour in the design of steel grades
8.Structural analysis based on monitoring systems and measurement methods, processing and application of measurement results
9.Production technology developments with numerical simulation - description of the welding simulation process - its theoretical background and application
10.Project work description - presentation of numerical model-based design examples

A félév közbeni munkaszüneti napok miatt a program csak tájékoztató jellegű, a pontos időpontokat a tárgy honlapján elérhető "Részletes féléves ütemterv" tartalmazza.
2.5 Tanulástámogató anyagok
  1. L. Dunai; B. Kövesdi (Lecture notes): Numerical model based design - slideshows.
  2. ECCS: Commentary and worked examples to EN 1993-1-5 "Plated Structural Elements".
  3. B. Johannson, R. Maquoi, G. Sedlacek, C. Müller, D. Beg: Commentary and worked examples to EN 1993-1-5 "plated structural elements", Joint report, JRC Scientific and Technical Reports, First Edition, 2007.
  4. prEN 1993-1-14: Eurocode 3 - Part 1-14: "Design assisted by finite element analysis", CEN.
2.6 Egyéb tudnivalók
2.7 Konzultációs lehetőségek

At a pre-arranged time with the course coordinator (Dr. Balázs Kövesdi, and lecturer (Dr. László Dunai,

Jelen TAD az alábbi félévre érvényes:
2023/2024 semester II

II. Tárgykövetelmények

3. A tanulmányi teljesítmény ellenőrzése és értékelése
3.1 Általános szabályok
The learning outcomes stated in point 2.2 are evaluated on the basis of a project work and the result shown in the exam.
3.2 Teljesítményértékelési módszerek
Evaluation formAbbreviationAssessed learning outcomes
Project workHFA.1-A.4; C.1-C.4
ExamVA.1-A.5; B.1-B.4; D.1-D.2
The exact time of the evaluations held during the semester, and the deadlines for homework assignments and submissions, are contained in the "Detailed Semester Timetable", which is available on the subject's website.
A szorgalmi időszakban tartott értékelések pontos idejét, a házi feladatok ki- és beadási határidejét a "Részletes féléves ütemterv" tartalmazza, mely elérhető a tárgy honlapján.
3.3 Teljesítményértékelések részaránya a minősítésben
The condition for passing the subject is that the student achieves 50% of the available score on the homework. Insufficient performance in the exam will result in an Insufficient grade.
3.4 Az aláírás megszerzésének feltétele, az aláírás érvényessége
The condition for obtaining the signature is that the student submits the project assignment.
Midterm results previously obtained from the subject, which can be taken into account when determining the exam grade, can be accepted retroactively for up to 6 semesters.
3.5 Érdemjegy megállapítása
GradePoints (P)
excellent (5)80<=P
good (4)70<=P<80%
satisfactory (3)60<=P<70%
passed (2)50<=P<60%
failed (1)P<50%
3.6 Javítás és pótlás
3.7 A tantárgy elvégzéséhez szükséges tanulmányi munka
project work5×10=50
preparation for exam1×8=8
independent learning of designated written curriculum12
3.8 A tárgykövetelmények érvényessége
2022. szeptember 1.
Jelen TAD az alábbi félévre érvényes:
2023/2024 semester II