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BME Építőmérnöki Kar
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Budapesti Műszaki és Gazdaságtudományi Egyetem
Építőmérnöki Kar - építőmérnök képzés 1782 óta
Budapesti Műszaki és Gazdaságtudományi Egyetem - Építőmérnöki Kar
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Nyilvános tárgyak
Surveying I. - BMEEOAFAT45
Subject Datasheet
General Information
Detailed course plan 2024/2025, Fall semester
Draft Lecture notes
Lecture slides
Lecture 1
Stream of Lecture 01 by Szabolcs Rózsa from 2020
Lecture 2
Stream of Lecture 02 (part1) by Szabolcs Rózsa from 2020
Stream of Lecture 02 (part2) by Szabolcs Rózsa from 2020
Lecture 3
Stream of Lecture 03 (part1) by Szabolcs Rózsa from 2020
Stream of Lecture 03 (part2) by Szabolcs Rózsa from 2020
Lecture 4
Stream of Lecture 04 (part1) by Szabolcs Rózsa from 2020
Stream of Lecture 04 (part2) by Szabolcs Rózsa from 2020
Lecture 5
Lecture 6
Stream of Lecture 06 by Szabolcs Rózsa from 2020
Lecture 7
Sample questions 2016
Practical 1
Using a scientific calculator
Working exercises
Practical 2
Introduction to optical levelling
Practical 3
Computation of the levelling line
Line levelling example
Practical 4
Computation of the detail point levelling
Detail point levelling example
Practical 5-8
The theodolite, an instrument for measuring angles
Measurements with the theodolite
Practical test: using the theodolite
Practical 9
Fundamental tasks of surveying calculations
Practical 10
Orientation of the instrument